The 500 kW solar project from Green Lantern Solar will bring thousands in clean energy savings to a local retirement community, Kingdom East Schools and the Village of Poultney in Weathersfield, VT. Green Lantern Solar developed, constructed, owns and operates the...
The VT Public Power Supply Authority (VPPSA) portfolio is an excellent example of Green Lantern’s commitment to brownfield reclamation. Working with NVDA (NE Vermont Development Association) & VEDA (Vermont Economic Development Authority) Green Lantern was...
Constructed on a vacant field neighboring a utility transmission line, this 252 kW array produces over 400 MWh annually. The Twin Valley Elementary school in Wilmington, VT receives a portion of the net metering credits to offset their monthly utility...
This 500 kW array located in an industrial park in Springfield powers the Town of Springfield and the Springfield schools. Working in collaboration with the owners of the industrial park and the Town, Green Lantern Solar developed, permitted, financed and constructed...
This 150 kW array located in Bennington, Vermont produces over 400 MWh annually to provide the town of Richmond with net metering credits to offset their utility bills.