Waterbury, VT—March 15, 2022 – Green Lantern Solar, a leading renewable energy development and finance company focusing on commercial solar and energy storage systems, today announced the completion of a solar array for Chroma Technology (Chroma), a Vermont-based certified B Corp and market leader in the precision optics industry. The 500-kilowatt ground-mount array, now complete, will produce enough energy to offset a third of Chroma’s annual energy expenses.
“This array will reduce Chroma’s operating expenses and have a real impact on its sustainability goals,” said Weston Martin, Director of Sustainable Partnerships, Green Lantern Solar. “We’re gratified to work with companies like Chroma who are taking real steps to demonstrate how costs savings and a clean energy future can be achieved.”
The virtual net-metered solar project was developed, constructed and is owned and operated by Green Lantern Solar and is the company’s most recently completed in its home state of Vermont. The energy produced by the 1,870 solar module array is approximately 958,200-kilowatt-hours (kWh) annually, offsetting the CO 2 emissions from 82,602,601 smartphones charged and 123 homes’ electricity use for one year.
“As a Certified Employee-Owned B Corporation Chroma is committed to sustainable and socially responsible business practices,” said Newell Lessell, CEO, Chroma. “This new solar array will enable us to significantly reduce our carbon footprint even as our business continues to grow.” During its development and construction, this project created local jobs in Putney, VT and continues to benefit numerous local businesses.
Vermont was an early leader in renewable electricity and was the first to allow community renewables through virtual net metering. It now celebrates one of the highest percentages of clean energy jobs per capita. Green Lantern Solar has developed more than 56 megawatts of solar projects in the state.
Green Lantern Solar
Green Lantern Solar is a vertically integrated regional renewable energy development company with a particular emphasis on turn-key commercial solar solutions for municipal, education, healthcare and government entities. Green Lantern works with landowners to revitalize and re-develop low-value sites such as brownfields, landfills, quarries/pits/extraction sites and other challenging real estate. The company provides a full suite of services: development, financing, construction and operations, maintenance and asset management. For more information, https://www.greenlanternsolar.com/, on LinkedIn and @GrnLntrnSolar on Twitter.
About Chroma Technology
Founded in 1991 as a 100% employee-owned company and now a B Corporation, Chroma Technology is a leading manufacturer and OEM supplier of high performance optical filters used in a wide range of applications including health care, biomedical research, remote sensing, machine vision, and aerospace.
Chroma offers an extensive selection of catalogue products as well as custom solutions tailored to our customers’ specific needs. Learn more at www.chroma.com
PR Contact:
Leah Wilkinson
Wilkinson + Associates